Clayton was so excited that Nana came on Saturday to play and was going to stay till Monday night! They did lots of "cooking" and "measuring". He loves when Nana reads to him too! He was sad Grandpa couldn't come, but knew he had to coach those guys that swim in the big bath tub! :) Clayton said that Grandpa doesn't have to share him on Sunday or Monday next week when we come to Galesburg! Hugs and Kisses Nana and Grandpa!
5 years ago
Your mom looks like mine does with her grandbabies- glowing! And your dad sounds like he also gets a little jealous! I know mine does, hence all the trips to Galesburg so Grandpa can have his baby time too! Let your mom know she is more then welcome to come over for the brunch, my mom would love to visit!
These are such sweet pictures! I bet your mom had a wonderful time. She looks beautiful as ever! Please tell her I said hi.
I'm so happy that Clayton now enjoys bath time!! I'm kind of sad that we didn't take any pictures during lunch though :( He is just such a sweet baby!! Also very very cute!!
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