Saturday, May 9, 2009

Subdivision Fishing Derby

Mommy, Clayton and Grandpa. It was a little windy.

Nana, Clayton and Grandpa

Clayton and Grandpa check out the fishing.

Our subdivision had a fishing derby this morning at the pond. It was hilarious to see the little kids getting into it. One little boy caught a turtle and was jumping up and down and screaming, he was soooooo excited. Clayton didn't want to show everyone up so he took a bye this year. He and daddy are going to enter next year.

After checking out the derby, Clayton, Aunt Anna and Grandpa took Mommy and Nana to breakfast. It was very yummy. We got a ton done around the house today too. Grandpa mowed the lawn, twice. We cleaned windows, sprayed down the siding and Nana did some more landscaping.

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