We had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. We went to Gburg on Friday, then headed to Rockford for my Cousin Christine's high school graduation and party. Congrats Chris!!!!!!!!!!!We had tons of fun seeing the Malones, Aunt Anna, Uncle David and Great Grandma and Grandpa. We headed back to Galesburg on Sunday and Grandpa grilled some yummy ribs and we hung out by the fire pit. We headed home on Monday, but not without having had tons of fun with Nana and Grandpa! See below.
5 years ago
many more outdoor adventures to come! We have only just begun! I am confident you will be a fabulous ornithologist, dendrologist, and horticulturalist! :) You are already off to a good start!
Miss you tons! Beach time coming up soon!
Love you!
It looks like you guys had a great time!! I do love that cards shirt he is wearing!! Too bad they couldn't pull out a win on sunday when I was there, oh well. I'll let you guys know when I'm coming back again! Take care!!
So...is that a chicken drumstick in the bath tub with him?? My kind of guy. All food, all the time! (And, what's he sitting on in the tub?)
Cute pictures! I cannot believe Chris just graduated from h.s. I now feel officially old!!! Congrats to her!!
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