Sunday, September 27, 2009
Great Weekend!
We packed a lot into the weekend, and Clayton and I slept the whole ride home. I know Justin is ready to crash any moment. We had so much fun though and are so excited that fall is here!
P.S. Go Bears!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Bad Mommy!
Big weekend starts tomorrow with a good friends wedding and Justin's class reunion. Hopefully I will remember to take some picks of all the fun. I am sure there will be some good ones of the Taylorville crew.
P.S. Going to a highschool football game for the first time in years, and I am super excited. Just something about the fall, hometowns, and football. Makes me think of my favorite book, "Friday Night Lights"!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
More Galena fun and then back to the craziness of life!
After a week of fun it is back to the grind. As I said, I am in Georgia today and tomorrow. We have lots planned the next couple of weekends too. Justin and I are getting away for the weekend this weekend, while Aunt Anna and Uncle David come to babysit. The next weekend Justin has his 10 year class reunion and my friend Megan is getting married. Then the following weekend we are off to Champaign for Clayton's first Illini football game. They play Penn State so it should be fun. Needless to say we are busy as usual. I keep waiting for our entire family to buy a jet. I think it would be a good investment!!!! :) Or we could all move North, right mom!!! :)
Hope everyone has a good week. So excited for some cool fall weather!!! More pics from our Galena adventures below.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Weekend/Move-In Weekend
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
19 Cameron Here They Come!!!!!